⚬ Teachers Guide
What do We Mean by "Modern"?
Key Terms / Vocabulary
Study Questions
Discussion Questions
Rethinking the Industrial Revolution
China and Europe: the New Units of Analysis
China and Europe: 1500-1800
China and Europe: 1780-1937
China Achieves a Modern State
Conclusion: Issues for the 21st Century
Lesson Plan (PDF)
⚬ Lesson Plans
Rethinking the rise of the West: The Great Divergence Debate
Rethinking the rise of the West: Global Commodities
Standards of Modernity — China and Europe
Parallels in England and the Yangzi Basin of China in the 1800s
⚬ Classroom Resources
⚬ China's Contributions to the West [PDF]
⚬ China's Gifts to the West [PDF]
⚬ Chinese Ideas in the West [PDF]
⚬ Emperors and Reign Periods [PDF]
⚬ Bibliography of related reading