1000 to 1450: Intensified Hemispheric Interactions
Northern Song 960 to 1127 Southern Song 1127 to 1279
Yuan 1279 to 1368
Ming 1368 to 1644
Late Heian ca.900 to 1185
Kamakura 1185 to 1333 Nanbokucho 1336 to 1392
Muromachi 1392 to 1573
Koryo 918 to 1392
Choson 1392 to 1910
Angkor Period (Cambodia, at times also Burma, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam) 802 to 1431
Thai kingdom in Ayudhya
Powerful regional states, incl. Chola ca.860 to 1279
Sultanate Period 13th century Rajput kingdoms 14th century

KOREA 1000-1450

Koryŏ Dynasty (918-1392)

Korea, 1000-1400 A.D. [Timeline of Art History, The Metropolitan Museum of Art]
"Some of the most outstanding achievements in Korean art and culture date to the Koryŏ dynasty (918–1392), which rules the peninsula for nearly 500 years." With a period overview, list of key events, and ten related artworks.

Koryŏ Dynasty, 918-1392 [The Art of Asia, Minneapolis Institute of Arts]
"The last Silla king abdicated the throne in the early 10th century and married the daughter of the upstart General Wang Kon, who founded the Koryo dynasty (918-1392)." A brief one-paragraph overview, with two objects representative of the period.

Mongol Invasions of Northeast Asia: Korea and Japan [PDF] [Association for Asian Studies]
With images and maps, topics include: Kamikaze, the 'Divine Wind,' The Mongol Continental Vision Turns Maritime, Korea's Historic Place in Asian Geopolitics, Mongol Invasions of Japan, Reflections on the Mongol Maritime Experience.

Chosŏn (Yi) Dynasty (1392-1910) and the Legacy of King Sejong (1397-1450)

Korea, 1400-1600 A.D. [Timeline of Art History, The Metropolitan Museum of Art]
"In an attempt to distance themselves from the former Koryŏ court and rejuvenate the country, the rulers of the new Chosŏn dynasty (1392–1910) severely curtail the practice of Buddhism and embrace Neo-Confucianism as the official state ideology." With a period overview, list of key events, and nine related artworks.

Lesson PlanFamous Koreans: Six Portraits: King Sejong [PDF] [Education About Asia, Association for Asian Studies]
Lesson plan designed "to provide an opportunity for students to learn about famous Koreans through readings and/or dramatizations." Brief overviews of the lives of six nodiv figures in Korea's history, including King Sejong (r. 1418-1450). Each overview is imagined as a first-person narrative written by the historical figure.

King Sejong the Great [Asia Society]
A background essay about "King Sejong, a scholar (who) placed great emphasis on scholarship and education."


Han'gul, the Korean Script

Korean Language [Asia Society]
A brief background essay about the Korean language, including a short paragraph about the modern Korean writing system, han'gul, which "was devised in 1443 during the reign of King Sejong."

Primary Source w/DBQsChŏng Inji's Postscript to the Hunminjeongum (Correct Sounds to Instruct the People), 1446 [PDF] [Asia for Educators]

Primary Source w/DBQsCh'oe Malli's Opposition to the Korean Alphabet [PDF] [Asia for Educators]


Neo-Confucianist Hostility Toward Buddhism

Primary Source w/DBQsPak Ch'o, Anti-Buddhist Memorial [PDF] [Asia for Educators]


Early Chosŏn Land Reforms

Primary Source w/DBQsChŏng To-jŏn, On Land [PDF] [Asia for Educators]


Social Stratification: Inherited Slave Status

Primary Source w/DBQs"Inheritance of Slave Status" [PDF] [Asia for Educators]



Sijo Poetry [Sejong Cultural Society]
This resource page includes background on Sijo poetry, lesson plans, comparisons and contracts with haiku, video of teachers using in class, and links to other resources.

The Sijo: A Window into Korean Culture [Education about Asia]
"The Korean counterpart [to haiku] is the sijo, a three-line vernacular verse form that dates back to the fourteenth century." Download PDF on page.



Koryŏ Celadon [Timeline of Art History, The Metropolitan Museum of Art]
Discusses the development of celadon ceramic production during the Koryŏ dynasty (918-1392). With 11 related objects.

Chosŏn Punch'ŏng Ware [Timeline of Art History, The Metropolitan Museum of Art]
A discussion of punch'ŏng ware, "the striking ceramic type produced during the first 200 years of the Chosŏn dynasty (1392–1910)." With six related artworks.

In Pursuit of White: Porcelain in the Chosŏn Dynasty, 1392–1910 [Timeline of Art History, The Metropolitan Museum of Art]
Discusses the ascendance of paekcha, or white ware, during the Chosŏn period, including its adoption as imperial ware in the 15th century. With ten related objects.

Find more art-related resources for Korea, 1000-1450 CE
at OMuRAA (Online Museum Resources on Asian Art)

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