1900 to 1950: A Half-Century of Crisis and Advancement
Qing 1644 to 1912
Republic of China 1912 to present     People's Republic of China 1949
Meiji Restoration 1868 to 1912
Taisho Period 1912 to 1926
Showa Period 1926 to 1989
Choson 1392 to 1910
Japanese Rule 1910 to 1945     U.S.-Soviet Occupation
French rule in "Indochina" (Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam) 1862 to mid-20th century
British rule 19th century to 1947     Independence and Partition 1947
Vietnam & SE Asia

VIETNAM & SE ASIA 1900-1950

French Rule "Indochina" (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos) (1862 to mid-20th Century)

Southeast Asia, 1900 A.D.-present [Timeline of Art History, The Metropolitan Museum of Art]
"Most of Southeast Asia continues to be colonized during the first half of the twentieth century: Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos by the French; Malaysia and Myanmar (Burma) by the British; Indonesia by the Dutch; and the Philippines by the United States. Only Thailand remains independent." With a period overview, list of key events, and seven related artworks.

Paper Trails: Connecting Viet Nam and World History Through Documents, Film, Literature and Photographs [World History Connected, University of Illinois]
"What follows is not an attempt to thoroughly explore this topic, but to offer some teaching approaches and resources connecting Viet Nam to world history via the classroom. It is divided into two parts. The first begins with an overview of Viet Nam's place in world history. This is intended only for those who wish to examine this subject in theoretical or analytical detail, with sources indicated in the notes as scholarly resources for teachers and advanced students. The second part will offer sets of documents with discussion-based questions, lesson plans, and other exercises for many of the topics raised in Part I."


Asian Revolutions in the Twentieth Century [ExEAS, Columbia University]
This website provides lecture material, teaching strategies, bibliographies, timelines, and links to other online resources for teaching about revolution and revolutionary leaders in high school, college, and university classes. See section on Mao Zedong.

1945 Declaration of Independence


Striving for Modernity

Primary Source w/DBQsSelected Poems and Popular Songs Regarding the "Modern" Haircut [PDF] [Asia for Educators]


A New Generation of Poets

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